I really have no excuse for not updating the blog lately...well, unless you count the two little guys who have become the center of our universe.
Not much has been going on...except Sam's language is exploding! YAY!!
Some of his new words (and, yes, he is all about transportation and sports these days) He has really been taking notice of bikes, so I am sure that is coming soon.
-Cat the ball (while throwing an "air ball")
-Kick the ball (while air kicking)
-Bus (clear as day - bus also doubles for RVs)
-Car and "let's go car" (when he wants to go)
-Momma, you got car (when I am driving) I never thought I would hear myself saying, "Yes, honey, I've got car"
-Train (followed with "toot toot" &/or "choo choo")
-Boat (and will make "boat sounds")
-Whooo hoooo! (when he is excited)
-Boo boo (and he holds it out for me to kiss)...he will also kiss a boo boo on me while saying "booo booo" if he sees a bruise. He also has quite a "boo boo memory" and will ask for kisses on the boo boo LONG after it has healed.
I will post some new pics as soon as I get a chance! Hope you are all (and by "all," I mean all 3 of you that read my blog) having a great summer!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A weepy lunch
This is what happens at lunch when the boys haven't slept enough the night before.
Nonni and Granddad, are you taking notes?
I tried (again!) to see if they were interested in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Still nope! What child doesn't like PB & J? (besides ours) They just smear the jelly around (which is why they are shirtless).
The poor guys barely got their milk choked down before they crashed.

Oh dear...

I feel like crying too.
Nonni and Granddad, are you taking notes?
I tried (again!) to see if they were interested in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Still nope! What child doesn't like PB & J? (besides ours) They just smear the jelly around (which is why they are shirtless).
The poor guys barely got their milk choked down before they crashed.
Oh dear...
I feel like crying too.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Addressing UNICEF
If you are like me, you grew up to think that UNICEF does great things. But if you asked me what great things they did, I wouldn't know and would probably say something like, "Ummm, they help children?" UNICEF is a very misunderstood organization. In the eyes of adoptive parents like us, they DON'T really help children. They don't operate the way I suspect most of you would assume they do.
I am using this to help educate you on UNICEF. It was written by Kelly, who is an adoptive mother (from Guatemala) and she maintains a website (www.guatadopt.com) that helps keep adoptive parents aware of what is going on in Guatemala. It is especially crucial to know this now as adoptions are currently closed in Guatemala. There are many, many children who need nutrition, supplies, help and love. And there is no government agency in place to help them. My heart breaks for the children of Guatemala. I am currently working to post a listing of really good agencies that do wonderful work.
If you have a few minutes to read, please do! And pass it on. (It was written in October.)
It is the season, where thousands of trick-or-treaters take up the all to familiar can with a child's forelorn photo pasted on the side...all in the name of collecting for UNICEF. It is also a time where I personally feel betrayed along with thousands of other adoptive families. Now before I explain, I'll admit that before our adoption, I would gladly donate to UNICEF who "represented" the needs of children around the world...but the UNICEF I knew and respected is not the UNICEF of today.
UNICEF has moved from being a child assistance program and has turned their focus on "advocacy". I don't necessarily think there is anything wrong with being primarily an advocacy group, but I do object that their donations are often from people who THINK that the funds are going to assist children with shelter, food, medicine, etc.
I am sure there are those who will agree with their advocacy and their methods of achieving them. That is fine, you should always honor your beliefs and support causes you feel strongly about. However, I believe most individuals are blind to where the money is going. When I have asked other parents, they immediately answer "Well, it goes to the children...." Unfortunately, it does not.
UNICEF is primarily an advocacy organization. They have a number of advocacy projects aimed at protecting children's rights. One of these rights where billions of your donations are spent is to advocate that "right" of a child to stay in his/her own culture/country. Might sound OK at first glance, but at what cost? UNICEF believes (and has often voiced) that it is better for a child to starve to death in their own country than to be adopted and "exported" to another country. Sorry, but I object to this terminlogy. My daughter immigrated to this country, she is a human being not an object. If an organization uses insulting terminology about human beings, you might want to question how they VIEW these human beings they supposedly represent.
It is a very hands-off position that I do NOT support. The medical missions and hundreds of orphanages in Guatemala will tell you that UNICEF does not assist these children as many donators are led to believe. Instead, the money is used to pressure the government to stop letting so many children leave the country. They are more concerned with decreasing the numbers of adoptions than addressing the poverty that sufficates the country's poorest. I, personally, do not think that adoption is the answer to poverty problems and I advocate for stronger enforcement in keeping adoptions ethical.
However, once a child is born (no matter the circumstances of their birth), they are deserving of a life and should NOT be deprived of love and care because it might "look bad" if the child leaves the country. Furthermore, I do not support an organization who uses money to pressure governments INSTEAD of using their money for improving education or providing immediate relief during natural disasters.
During the Tsunami, UNICEF was there to worry about children being stolen (I heard of one suspected incident) from the relief centers. Certainly, child exploitation is a prime concern that should not be minimized. Yet, we did not hear of them trying to assist the orphanages and organizations who were providing emergency relief.
Many of these small organizations were outraged that UNICEF took so much money in the name of relief and provided little to none (but did have absolutely luxurious accomodations there). UNICEF used the limelight to insinuate that the stolen children would somehow be attached to adoption even though international adoption was somewhat unheard of in the region. If a child was stolen, it was MOST likely unrelated to adoption, but for prostitution or human slavery. That is the case in MANY third world countries...But though it has been the focus of UNICEF's mission (addressing child exploitation), it has been overshadowed by their methodology and anti-adoption stance.
If the money was used for assistance (as they insinuate every Halloween), the need for adoption would be drastically diminished. If the money was used for assistance, the cases of human slavery and other attrocities would drastically decrease as the populations were empowered.
I am using this to help educate you on UNICEF. It was written by Kelly, who is an adoptive mother (from Guatemala) and she maintains a website (www.guatadopt.com) that helps keep adoptive parents aware of what is going on in Guatemala. It is especially crucial to know this now as adoptions are currently closed in Guatemala. There are many, many children who need nutrition, supplies, help and love. And there is no government agency in place to help them. My heart breaks for the children of Guatemala. I am currently working to post a listing of really good agencies that do wonderful work.
If you have a few minutes to read, please do! And pass it on. (It was written in October.)
It is the season, where thousands of trick-or-treaters take up the all to familiar can with a child's forelorn photo pasted on the side...all in the name of collecting for UNICEF. It is also a time where I personally feel betrayed along with thousands of other adoptive families. Now before I explain, I'll admit that before our adoption, I would gladly donate to UNICEF who "represented" the needs of children around the world...but the UNICEF I knew and respected is not the UNICEF of today.
UNICEF has moved from being a child assistance program and has turned their focus on "advocacy". I don't necessarily think there is anything wrong with being primarily an advocacy group, but I do object that their donations are often from people who THINK that the funds are going to assist children with shelter, food, medicine, etc.
I am sure there are those who will agree with their advocacy and their methods of achieving them. That is fine, you should always honor your beliefs and support causes you feel strongly about. However, I believe most individuals are blind to where the money is going. When I have asked other parents, they immediately answer "Well, it goes to the children...." Unfortunately, it does not.
UNICEF is primarily an advocacy organization. They have a number of advocacy projects aimed at protecting children's rights. One of these rights where billions of your donations are spent is to advocate that "right" of a child to stay in his/her own culture/country. Might sound OK at first glance, but at what cost? UNICEF believes (and has often voiced) that it is better for a child to starve to death in their own country than to be adopted and "exported" to another country. Sorry, but I object to this terminlogy. My daughter immigrated to this country, she is a human being not an object. If an organization uses insulting terminology about human beings, you might want to question how they VIEW these human beings they supposedly represent.
It is a very hands-off position that I do NOT support. The medical missions and hundreds of orphanages in Guatemala will tell you that UNICEF does not assist these children as many donators are led to believe. Instead, the money is used to pressure the government to stop letting so many children leave the country. They are more concerned with decreasing the numbers of adoptions than addressing the poverty that sufficates the country's poorest. I, personally, do not think that adoption is the answer to poverty problems and I advocate for stronger enforcement in keeping adoptions ethical.
However, once a child is born (no matter the circumstances of their birth), they are deserving of a life and should NOT be deprived of love and care because it might "look bad" if the child leaves the country. Furthermore, I do not support an organization who uses money to pressure governments INSTEAD of using their money for improving education or providing immediate relief during natural disasters.
During the Tsunami, UNICEF was there to worry about children being stolen (I heard of one suspected incident) from the relief centers. Certainly, child exploitation is a prime concern that should not be minimized. Yet, we did not hear of them trying to assist the orphanages and organizations who were providing emergency relief.
Many of these small organizations were outraged that UNICEF took so much money in the name of relief and provided little to none (but did have absolutely luxurious accomodations there). UNICEF used the limelight to insinuate that the stolen children would somehow be attached to adoption even though international adoption was somewhat unheard of in the region. If a child was stolen, it was MOST likely unrelated to adoption, but for prostitution or human slavery. That is the case in MANY third world countries...But though it has been the focus of UNICEF's mission (addressing child exploitation), it has been overshadowed by their methodology and anti-adoption stance.
If the money was used for assistance (as they insinuate every Halloween), the need for adoption would be drastically diminished. If the money was used for assistance, the cases of human slavery and other attrocities would drastically decrease as the populations were empowered.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Sweet husband!!
Tony brought these home for me today "just because I love you." Isn't he the best? I am so fortunate to share my life with someone who is so kind, thoughtful and fun.
The picture really doesn't do it justice, but he knows I cannot stand roses, so he always picks out some nice lilies, irises or daisies.
Thanks, Tony - not for bringing me something but for being so wonderful.

The picture really doesn't do it justice, but he knows I cannot stand roses, so he always picks out some nice lilies, irises or daisies.
Thanks, Tony - not for bringing me something but for being so wonderful.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
My mom (their Nonni) brought over homemade macaroni and cheese. They loved it - every noodle went down the hatch. I had to "question the chef" because there was something in it that made it very "tacky." Luke decided to seize the opportunity and rub it in his hair. He never misses an opportunity to get as messy as possible.
Sweet boy reflecting on mac

Sweet boy examining mac

Hairstyling compliments of mac n' cheese
Sweet boy reflecting on mac
Sweet boy examining mac
Hairstyling compliments of mac n' cheese
I tried to cut Sam's hair. Shhheeeeesh.
So, here's the scene: Sam is wriggling like crazy and trying to play with the scissors. Of course the scissors are very pointy and sharp, so that's a no go for a 2 year old. But Luke thinks maybe it might be okay for an 18 month old. Still nope. And when I'm not fumbling around with the scissors, I am trying to keep the clippers away from them AND find the right clipper setting. Oh, and I have never cut hair and I have never touched clippers in my life.
Luke decides the scissor attempt is futile and runs off to find a mud patch. So now I am keeping my eye on him, wrangling Sam, keeping track of scissors and clippers...AND trying to cut my son's hair "like Johnny Depp."
Heaven help me and thank goodness Sam isn't old enough to care.
By the time I get done, we ALL have hair everywhere. Everywhere. So I hose them off (again)...that is becoming a daily occurrence and dragging him in for haircuts every 3 weeks isn't looking so bad.

So, here's the scene: Sam is wriggling like crazy and trying to play with the scissors. Of course the scissors are very pointy and sharp, so that's a no go for a 2 year old. But Luke thinks maybe it might be okay for an 18 month old. Still nope. And when I'm not fumbling around with the scissors, I am trying to keep the clippers away from them AND find the right clipper setting. Oh, and I have never cut hair and I have never touched clippers in my life.
Luke decides the scissor attempt is futile and runs off to find a mud patch. So now I am keeping my eye on him, wrangling Sam, keeping track of scissors and clippers...AND trying to cut my son's hair "like Johnny Depp."
Heaven help me and thank goodness Sam isn't old enough to care.
By the time I get done, we ALL have hair everywhere. Everywhere. So I hose them off (again)...that is becoming a daily occurrence and dragging him in for haircuts every 3 weeks isn't looking so bad.
If there happens to be a kind soul who reads this (or any soul, actually) and they happen to have really poor eyesight and one eye closed and think, "Well, that doesn't look so bad, " - Thank you! And thank goodness you're not looking at it close up - that's a whole 'nother story.
P.S. Again, I swear my children really DO wear clothes. We had just come in from "the do."
Monday, June 2, 2008
As most of you know, Sam is obsessed (and that is probably putting it too mildly) with cars! Everything that has wheels is a car. A tractor is a car. A truck is a car. A bus is a car. You get the idea. Before we went to the Royals game last Thursday, we went to Bass Pro. They had an "old timey" truck in the store.
Who do you think loved it??

Let me back in!
Who do you think loved it??

Let me back in!

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Sam decided to get his blocks out today and start building. He stacked 4 all by himself!! (I measured them and they are 1" by 6"). It was almost as tall as he is.
Tony kept the "wrecking ball" (also known as Luke) away. I don't know much about when little kids can do things, but this impressed us! We think the cool Beatles t-shirt from his Aunt Jeanie and Uncle Jerry may have helped.
(Disclaimer: it doesn't take much to impress us though.)
I stacked four!

Going for five!! C'mon, Sam!!

Tony kept the "wrecking ball" (also known as Luke) away. I don't know much about when little kids can do things, but this impressed us! We think the cool Beatles t-shirt from his Aunt Jeanie and Uncle Jerry may have helped.
(Disclaimer: it doesn't take much to impress us though.)
I stacked four!
Going for five!! C'mon, Sam!!
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