We only went to a few houses in our cul-de-sac, but they had fun. Well, except for the scary trick or treaters that came to our house. Sam was telling me this morning that he was scared. When I asked him why, he said, "Saw ghost at Sam's house" and "Kids at door at Sam's house." We explained many, many times that it was just pretend, but he said "Scared when bell rang." We really tried to shield him from the scary ones (he only saw one when he had first gotten home from trick or treating). But I guess it made quite an impact. He has been telling me today that he is scared, Luke is scared, and apparently, I am scared too. We took him for a walk to show him that no scary people were out. He is very into "scared" right now.
I don't think Sam gave 2 hoots about the candy, but Luke has asked for "canny" about 10 times already. (we let them share some M &Ms last night - their first real candy!)
Chocolate face (when we got home)
Chocolate face (and a little boy in heaven)
Oooh, if I could just bust this open!