Monday, July 6, 2009

We have a new son!

Sorry it has taken me so long, but I promise to post pics when I get a chance to breathe. These boys keep me hopping, but we have never felt such love. His name is Julian Thomas, but we call him Jude (for Tony, who is a Beatles nut...John Lennon's son was named Julian and they called him Jude.) He was born on June 4th, and we came home with him on June 22. He is amazing and sweet and we just love him to bits!

To see what Tony's brother Matt is up to, please go to: Post a comment, and support him if you choose!! Many thanks.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sweet poem

This so sweetly describes adoption. Update pics coming soon!

The Gift of Life

I didn't give you the gift of life,
But in my heart I know.
The love I feel is deep and real,
As if it had been so.

For us to have each other
Is like a dream come true!
No, I didn't give you
The gift of life,
Life gave me the gift of you.

--- Unknown