Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I tried to cut Sam's hair. Shhheeeeesh.

So, here's the scene: Sam is wriggling like crazy and trying to play with the scissors. Of course the scissors are very pointy and sharp, so that's a no go for a 2 year old. But Luke thinks maybe it might be okay for an 18 month old. Still nope. And when I'm not fumbling around with the scissors, I am trying to keep the clippers away from them AND find the right clipper setting. Oh, and I have never cut hair and I have never touched clippers in my life.

Luke decides the scissor attempt is futile and runs off to find a mud patch. So now I am keeping my eye on him, wrangling Sam, keeping track of scissors and clippers...AND trying to cut my son's hair "like Johnny Depp."

Heaven help me and thank goodness Sam isn't old enough to care.

By the time I get done, we ALL have hair everywhere. Everywhere. So I hose them off (again)...that is becoming a daily occurrence and dragging him in for haircuts every 3 weeks isn't looking so bad.
If there happens to be a kind soul who reads this (or any soul, actually) and they happen to have really poor eyesight and one eye closed and think, "Well, that doesn't look so bad, " - Thank you! And thank goodness you're not looking at it close up - that's a whole 'nother story.

P.S. Again, I swear my children really DO wear clothes. We had just come in from "the do."


Unknown said...

I threw all of P's clothes out since he lives in a diaper (and now with the pool, sometimes not that LOL)!! No, not really. I love the haircut and I've been trying to get the guts to do the same thing. Maybe now I'll try it tomorrow. Our poor boys! LOL

Tam said...

Hey! That haircut looks pretty darn good. What I did to poor Kevin is another story...

Gwen, Jenny, & Mia said...

I know they really don't wear clothes! : ) They are so cute and they had scissors? I bet you were scared for a second!