Saturday, July 12, 2008

Honk! Moo! Oink!

We have a video that was made locally by a speech-language pathologist that my mother-in-law, Sheila, works with. The video is great for early language development! The boys think it is a hoot and they like to make the sounds. (

Sam was too busy playing with "Tater" (what he calls his Mr. Potato Head) so I captured Luke.

If you are looking for a way to "jump start" speech, I highly recommend this DVD. Thanks, Sheila!

There is nothing (and I do mean nothing) more fun than spending the day with two budding chatterboxes (boys after Mommy's heart!).

Watching for my favorite parts...

Waiting patiently...

There's one!! HONK HONK!! (goose)

Oink oink!

Not finished oinking...
Enough flash, Mommy


Tara said...

LOL! Those faces are priceless!! I love "honk"!

Susie said...

Oh those faces, love it! Susie

Gwen, Jenny, & Mia said...

haven't watched the video yet with Mia but I will have to tomorrow! I love Luke's faces...he is such a cutie!!!

Carla said...

Great shots of Luke. He is just too cute. That video sure is working.

Unknown said...


Thanks for sharing the tip on the video Julie.

I'm going to order it for the kids!

Love and blessings,