Wednesday, July 2, 2008

We've got a laundry (hermit) crab!

If you're feeling a bit bored this summer, run down to Wal Mart and get yourself a laundry basket! Sam and Luke had a ball with one of ours this morning. I just kept hearing "Mama?" out of the basket.

Let's get this party started...

I see you, Mama
Beautiful boy

You're pinned!


Unknown said...

OK THAT IS FUNNY! Only boys would think of this game and to trap the other in is priceless. Hmmm I might be off to the store for some plastic hampers - we have the mesh kind that collasp. HE HE HE! SO sweet Julie! Love the photo updates.

Hugs and love - Jill

Kathy said...

Too cute!! Isn't it amazing with all the toys they have that they can have fun using the simplest thing. My son loves the kitchen "junk" drawer. Who knew it could be so exciting?!

Gwen, Jenny, & Mia said...

Too cute! I wonder why we even bother with toys. Mia loves to push around our laundry basket and fill it up with all kinds of "treasures".

Your boys are SO cute!

Rebecca said...

Hey Jules!! Of course I remember you guys!!! I love the pics. The boys are really growing!!! Zachary is doing great. We stay on the go. Things have slowed down a little because...well, I am expecting. I'm due in February 2009. I'm very excited!!! I haven't announced it yet. Trying to wait until we get past the "safe" period.

Glad you connected back up with us. We need to keep up with each other. I'll add you guys to my blog list. ;-)) Tell Tony "hi" for us.


Ruthanne said...

That is TOO funny. You had to know that one of them would figure out how to pin the other one sooner or later. LOL