Monday, August 25, 2008

Time to put the bon bons away...

Kidding. I have not been eating any bon bons. Life has just been busy and wonderful lately. The boys are changing every day and I haven't wanted to miss a second. So we've been chasing bugs, going to the park, reading a lot and hanging out. It's been heaven on earth.

Sam and Luke's Nonni and Granddad are in Alaska for a few weeks, so we are watching their sweet pup, Bella. She is a good girl and Sam wants her to be his. He has said, "My puppy?" And then I remind him and he says, "Oooooh, Nonni puppy!" So it's "all about Bella" over here. They have been helping me feed her, pour her water, and pick the leaves out of her fur when she comes in. Yes, it's true love.

(Fun fact - my parents used to live in Alaska and I was born there. They are having a great trip!)

**OH, RATS. Most of these pictures won't rotate, even though I have done it a few times in My Pictures. I am tired, so you are just going to have to cock your head. See? I really AM a lazy blogger.

His puppy (he wishes)

Bella's no dummy. She knows which one is the messy eater.

I surrender.
Sweet puppy.
Luke, THIS is how you do it.
Double the pets!


Our Little Prince said...

I am so glad you are back. I have missed reading your blog. The boys are sooo sweet.

Gwen, Jenny, & Mia said...

So glad you are back!!! Your boys are so cute and so sweet with Bella. She is a cute doggy too!

Do you ever have clothes on your boys?!? JK : )

Judi and Elaina said...

Great pics of the boys and bells!!
Talk to you soon.