But since he can't, he settles for me playing baseball with him (sometimes all day long) and sleeping with Pinky and his ball. We are going to sign him up for T-ball once he turns 3, but are wondering if we should get him private lessons as well.
He is really good - out of 10 swings on his t-ball stand, he usually makes contact at least 8 times. And then he runs "the bases." (there are no bases, but he runs around the yard after he hits the ball, yelling, "GOOOOO" to himself). It's quite a sight.
His catching would be much better if I could find a small glove (Do they make gloves for a 2-year-old??!) that his fingers actually fit into. I will keep looking.
I decided to try to capture the cuteness that I see every night when he goes to bed.
I thought he was asleep, but his eyes popped open! Photo op!
Not liking the flash...
30 minutes later...
A boy, his ball and glove, Thomas and his puppy. Sweet dreams, little slugger.
NOw that is one precious boy and his glove!
Thanks for sharing with us!
Oh how totally cute. Love the pink glove story. Susie
Oh my, he sleeps with his pink glove on! that is so sweet I could just cry!!! He is so cute : )
Oh, that is just too sweet!!!
Jules, can you get him to sign a baseball for me? I would just love to say "I knew him when..." That is quite obsessive, I must say. Yes, I think he will be a ball player. With determination like that at 2yo, I really think you should get him private lessons.
One thing I learned from a tennis coach was that to teach very young ones who want to play sports, how to catch a ball with their bare hands. Just constantly play catch with them, first starting with a bigger ball, then down to a smaller one as they improve. Then teach them how to play catch with themselves, (throwing up a ball and then catching it.) He said it is great for hand-eye coordination and will help them immensely when they finally can hold up a tennis racket. I'm sure the same goes for baseball players.
Didn't mean to make this so long. Sorry. Those pics, btw, of him sleeping with his pink baseball glove are priceless.
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