The boys and I had so much fun this morning. They had just come in from playing with the hose, so they were still in diapers. It is amazing to me how much fun we can have with the most simple things!! Aaah, the joys of childhood.
Fun with our toy basket...
Twice as much fun!
I love this shot - Sam is jumping with his ball. Look at his left foot.
Mommy, why can't I see?
This toy basket is awesome! (Can you see the glee on his face?)
Wipe out!
Vacuum cleaner attachment or binoculars?
Look at my Royals outfit! I am going to the game tonight (to watch them lose...) Sigh.
I can throw, kick and bounce on this ball!
This toy basket is a huge delight to me. All of their toys were scattered about, (see Sam on his bike). Sam went and picked one up and threw it in the basket. I started clapping and cheering and he loved it. So they both started scrambling as fast as they could to get toys and put them in the basket! YAY!!! I started doing a cheerleader routine (scary, I know) and they LOVED it.
Sam even moved the basket back to where it sits in the living room.
Here are Sam and Luke's Nonni and Granddad (my parents). I will have to get some pictures of Tony's parents soon. I am so thankful for such great friends who also happen to be my parents. They are amazing people and I love them so much. I am so thankful that I really got to know them as an adult, and that they are so healthy and full of life.
Now let's talk about my dad's cake! He only eats sugar on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. He is one of those disciplined people that really does it. He has done it my whole life, except it used to be sugar on no days. So, being the nice daughter that I am, (insert halo) I made him a sugar free cake from scratch. This is what it turned out looking like! Ack! It was the Cool Whip that ruined the "frosting." I don't think it tasted too bad, considering it was made with whole wheat flour and applesauce.
Tony's birthday was May 13, Sam's birthday was May 23 and my dad's birthday is May 28. So we have a lot to celebrate!
I cannot get over how fast Sam is growing up. The first picture was his referral picture at 2 weeks old.
Tony and I scrambled to open the email and then stared and stared at him. Then we both started crying. Yes, he was puffy and scrunchy, but to us, he was our world. He was our SON. We had picked out the name Samuel and hadn't told anyone except close family. His given name was Samuel!! We couldn't believe it. His middle name is Miles, after my dad whose middle name is Miles.
So, here is our sweet Samuel Miles at 2 weeks, 1st birthday and today (3 days after his 2nd birthday.)Sam is on his new "pride and joy" - his birthday gift from my parents. We had to hide it from him before bed, but he was still asking for it and looking for "his friend."
We love you, sweet Sam.You and your brother have made me laugh harder than I ever knew it was possible and love even deeper still.
We had so much fun in San Diego!! The boys just loved it. We went to the aquarium, the beach many times, the zoo, SeaWorld and the Wild Animal park. The beach started out "iffy" - they were just looking and then, of course, they both fell in. Neither was too happy about it. I must explain the "diaper on the beach" pics - we had just planned to play in the sand that day. But after they both did go in the water AND fall in, we had to improvise. We really enjoyed ourselves and they both did great on the plane. I guess it's time to start planning our next trip?
Is there ever a "bad time" to put a bucket on your head? Sam and Luke don't think so!
Our little outdoorsman
Luke in "his element" - totally messy Sam getting a hug from the SeaWorld otter.
Gorgeous La Jolla
Pointing at the boats (Sam says "boat" like he is from Canada.)
We just got back from San Diego last night. I will post pictures of the trip when I get a chance, but I wanted this post to be all about Sam. We celebrated his 2nd birthday on Friday! I cannot believe my baby is TWO. (well, some days, I really CAN believe it!) Sam, I know you can't read yet, but you are such a sweet, inquisitive, bright and adorable little boy. You make me so proud to be your mommy. I can't imagine our lives without you. You bring us so much joy! As I tell you every night before bed, I "love you to the moon...and back." And we always will. Happy Birthday, Sam!! We love you so much!
Sam's current loves are cars, boats, airplanes (he's really into transportation these days, isn't he?) and RANCH dressing. He would drink a bottle if we would let him.
He was so sweet when they sang "Happy Birthday" to him. He loves the "Happy Birthday" song and always gets excited when someone else has a birthday. He got a little shy (not like Sam) and grabbed onto Tony's t-shirt, like, "I can't believe they know my name!! How do they know that?" It was darling.
Here are some pics of our birthday boy. And one of his brother, Luke! More pics later, I promise.
Tony was watching the boys outside and they found the "mother lode" - a delicious dirt patch. Luke seemed to dine with great satisfaction. Maybe I'm missing out on this "scrumptious dirt" thing? This is after their "first wipe," so you can't see the true evidence.
Edited to add: I have rotated Sam's picture every way possible, but it keeps coming up sideways. Errgh.
The boys are obsessed with our three cats (Owen, Scout and Chloe). You can see Scout hiding under the couch (black and white). He actually really enjoys them, but wasn't in the mood for 4 little hands, apparently. Luke will call for him, "Scouuuuuuuut" and he will come running.