Tony and I scrambled to open the email and then stared and stared at him. Then we both started crying. Yes, he was puffy and scrunchy, but to us, he was our world. He was our SON. We had picked out the name Samuel and hadn't told anyone except close family. His given name was Samuel!! We couldn't believe it. His middle name is Miles, after my dad whose middle name is Miles.
So, here is our sweet Samuel Miles at 2 weeks, 1st birthday and today (3 days after his 2nd birthday.) Sam is on his new "pride and joy" - his birthday gift from my parents. We had to hide it from him before bed, but he was still asking for it and looking for "his friend."
We love you, sweet Sam. You and your brother have made me laugh harder than I ever knew it was possible and love even deeper still.

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SAM!!!!!!! You're such a handsome little 2 yr old!!! :) He has grown so much Julie!
He wasn't puffy, he was a DOLL! He was/is so cute. I can't believe his birth name was Samuel too! How neat is that?!?
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