this morning. They had just come
in from playing with the hose, so
they were still in diapers. It is
amazing to me how much fun we
can have with the most simple
things!! Aaah, the joys of childhood.
Fun with our toy basket...
Twice as much fun!
I love this shot - Sam is jumping with his ball.
Look at his left foot.
Mommy, why can't I see?
This toy basket is awesome!
(Can you see the glee on his face?)
Wipe out!
Vacuum cleaner attachment or binoculars?
Look at my Royals outfit!
I am going to the game tonight (to watch them lose...)
I can throw, kick and bounce on
this ball!
This toy basket is a huge delight to me.
All of their toys were scattered about, (see
Sam on his bike). Sam went and picked
one up and threw it in the basket. I
started clapping and cheering and he
loved it. So they both started scrambling
as fast as they could to get toys and
put them in the basket! YAY!!! I
started doing a cheerleader routine
(scary, I know) and they LOVED it.
Sam even moved the basket back to
where it sits in the living room.
Who could ask for more???
Look how big your little guys are getting! What a beautiful family you guys make:-) So happy for you!
WOW! What good little helpers you have. I have to sing clean up, clean up song the WHOLE time we clean up!
Isn't it funny how they find the strangest thins and it entertains them? Why do we even bother buying toys?
They are of course adorable in their diapers.
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