He got the exersaucer when he was 8 months old from his Uncle Jerry and Aunt Jeanie, so I hope they are pleased to know it is still getting a lot of use!
Hop aboard!
We are having an incredible adventure raising our three sons, ages 3 and under. Some days are crazy, but they're all fun!
Beep, Beep!!! What a cutie!
He really loves transportation vehicles, doesn't he?!?
Glad Sam is going green by recycling the excesaucer!
Too cute!! What a great imagination!
Hey sister. Oh I know...how time flies!!!We met two years ago for the first time...I'll never forget it. We were in the computer room at the Marriott! I like you and Tony from the first second I met you. We are all so blessed to have our little angels. Oh and I will have to email you. I have some news. Hugs, Rebecca
Julie-The pics are just great!!
We need to get together- the kiddos and the Mommies!!
The joy of boys...just wait, it gets better. It's always good to get new uses out of toys your kids have out grown. Your doing a GREAT job with your blog. Enjoying it very much. Susie
I'm loving Sam's Hybrid! WTG buddy! Also, I just might make the drive to MO for some of those yummy sounding smoothies!
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