Friday, July 4, 2008

Bus Driver

Sam turned over his exersaucer and when I asked him what it was, he said, "Mah bus." He "drove" his bus a lot yesterday, so thank goodness it gets good gas mileage. It's his new favorite thing! He acts like he is steering and "beep beeps" too.

He got the exersaucer when he was 8 months old from his Uncle Jerry and Aunt Jeanie, so I hope they are pleased to know it is still getting a lot of use!

Hop aboard!

Shy bus driver?


Gwen, Jenny, & Mia said...

Beep, Beep!!! What a cutie!

He really loves transportation vehicles, doesn't he?!?

Glad Sam is going green by recycling the excesaucer!

Kathy said...

Too cute!! What a great imagination!

Rebecca said...

Hey sister. Oh I time flies!!!We met two years ago for the first time...I'll never forget it. We were in the computer room at the Marriott! I like you and Tony from the first second I met you. We are all so blessed to have our little angels. Oh and I will have to email you. I have some news. Hugs, Rebecca

Judi and Elaina said...

Julie-The pics are just great!!
We need to get together- the kiddos and the Mommies!!


Susie said...

The joy of boys...just wait, it gets better. It's always good to get new uses out of toys your kids have out grown. Your doing a GREAT job with your blog. Enjoying it very much. Susie

Tara said...

I'm loving Sam's Hybrid! WTG buddy! Also, I just might make the drive to MO for some of those yummy sounding smoothies!