Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wacky slippers

Are these slippers not the most ridiculous thing you have seen in a while? They are E-normous! And the boys love them!

This was Luke's reaction when I moved him away from me to take the picture. We're touchy these days.


Gwen, Jenny, & Mia said...

I love the slippers! Do they share 1 pair or do they each have a pair?!?

I love how upset Luke got you moved him away from you and I love more that you took a picture of it!

Kathy said...

Too cute!! My son would love those! Where did you find them?

Judi and Elaina said...

How cute are Sam and Luke-poor Luke. I wish Elaina would wear slippers.

Our Family of 5 said...

Sam and Luke are adorable! Even in their big slippers and even with tears =)