Monday, May 26, 2008

Let me introduce Nonni and Granddad!

Here are Sam and Luke's Nonni and Granddad (my parents). I will have to get some pictures of Tony's parents soon. I am so thankful for such great friends who also happen to be my parents. They are amazing people and I love them so much. I am so thankful that I really got to know them as an adult, and that they are so healthy and full of life.

Now let's talk about my dad's cake! He only eats sugar on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. He is one of those disciplined people that really does it. He has done it my whole life, except it used to be sugar on no days. So, being the nice daughter that I am, (insert halo) I made him a sugar free cake from scratch. This is what it turned out looking like! Ack! It was the Cool Whip that ruined the "frosting." I don't think it tasted too bad, considering it was made with whole wheat flour and applesauce.

Tony's birthday was May 13, Sam's birthday was May 23 and my dad's birthday is May 28. So we have a lot to celebrate!

Mmmmm...want some?


Anonymous said...

YEAAAA lotsa happy birthdays! :) Karly's birthday is May 13 too and John's is May 24th! COOL! My dad is a diabetic and we have tried some sugar free cakes as well..OY! They're HARD to get right. They always taste good, but the consistency just kinda is hit or miss. I bet it was GREAT and greatly appreciated! :)

Gwen, Jenny, & Mia said...

wow, no sugar. I can't imagine life without sugar : ) At least you gave the cake a try, right?